I'm Back! Photographer Needed!!! |
So... I've been so busy guys with school and work. I'm taking this time to hop back in. Ready to start up on modeling again as well.
Photographer needed!!! I'm in Atlanta so hit me up if you or anyone you know is available. I need info... rates and all that. And someone that's able to edit the images to perfection =].
Email me: TaiDestiny@gmail.com.
I've also joined tumblr (another blog site). www.taidestiny.tumblr.com Check it out!
Stay tuned guys =]
-Tai Destiny |
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 