Alien Aphrodisiacs: Pop |
Alien Aprodisiacs Pop. {Or as others may call it (soda)} This delightful refreshment of a soft drink takes the mind and body on a mind-blowing adventure. It also cures cancer, kills evil ex boyfriends, and takes away the pains and headaches of life. =]. Buy yours today! Only $1.99.
LOL so when can i get this again?
Only $1.99?! Nice! Crisp, clear, and cures cancer! Clever...
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 
so when can i get this again?