Tai Destiny: About Me |
Hey followers (and non-followers): I'm currently taking up a Jornalism class and one of the assignments is to create a blog. Fortunately, I've been had one. Our first blog assignment is to introduce ourselves. So here's a summary of me =]
Hi! I'm Tai Destiny and I currently attend SHS of **, GA. I'm originally form Chicago, Illinois and you can always catch me visiting my hometown. I'm into web design, photography, modeling, and psychology. I love to read, dance, sing, and scrap book/other creative activities in my spare time. And I also love to hang out with my friends & Boyfriend going various places and getting into crazy scenarios =]. My long term goal is to become a Victoria's Secret Model! Friends would describe me as wild, easily-irritated, romantic, and deeply concerned about the smallest things. I'm a Sagittarius and yes I do believe in astrology. Get to know me by following my blog and e-mailing me at taidestiny@gmail.com! |
I'm a journalism major and also had the same assignment... After the class ended I kept on bloggin :)
lol as if i didn't know all that already jk jk you should've mentioned you LOVE people like Sarahh... =)
Lucky you... I didn't even know what a blog was, I mean people were talkin bout it but i was completly lost.
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 
I'm a journalism major and also had the same assignment... After the class ended I kept on bloggin :)