Mattel Introduces New Line of Black Barbies |
Finally!!!!!!!!. Mattel announced today their introduction of new Black Barbie dolls. The new dolls have fuller lips, a wider nose, more distinct cheekbones and curlier hair.
Each doll features its own unique personality and style and reflects one of three various skin tones. The line also features a mentoring theme and each doll comes with her little sister. The big and little doll is set to inspire mentoring in the young girls who play with them.
I give them an A for effort! lol. Of course our black people will find something negative to point out about it. (no offense)
What do you think?
Cute! I want one now! Lol! =]
Lol. The question is... which one!!!
lmao @ the dolls faces.. but yes its about time.. i love yu blog.. im def. following ur blog.
Tai these dolls look like you. lol!
even though im not into dolls i think its good that their finally coming out with a black barbie...i might just have to go pick one up lol
I love when you guys leave me comments =]!
CalebsMom- I think they look more like you =]
Of course "we'll" (I absolutely HATE the collective "we" as a race) find something negative to say. Then folks wonder why it "took so long."
ANYWAY, I find those dolls to be beautiful! I'd defintely pick one up. I don't like the clothes though. They used to make really nice Barbie doll outfits...
OMG I can't beleive it! I wish they had these dolls when I was little. They used to just used the white face mold for all the dolls. The top one looks so pretty! I'm not gonna lie, I want one! Maybe I'll get one for my little cousin!
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 
Cute! I want one now! Lol! =]