Alien Aphrodisiacs: 100th Follower! |
Ok so I'm so freakin excited. Maybe a little more excited that I should be. I just want you guys to know that the my Alien Aphrodisiacs blog has just reached the 100 mark! Whooo Hooo!!!! *Ballons fly and vibrational horns play*!
Who's the lucky 100th? Erika Poole Gosh I love you guys!
-Tai Destiny
YAY!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!! i wish i could make it to atleast 13... lol... but thats good, your blog is lik soooo kwel... lol... im jealous
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 