Social Networking: Beware |
When should we take social networking seriously?
 Jesus take the wheel. Two Clayton County teachers -- who say they are romantically involved with the same man -- are on administrative leave after getting into a physical fight over a love letter posted on Facebook. The teachers were arrested on Monday after a fight resulting from the truth that both women were seeing the same man. One woman reported to the police that she found another woman's romantic letter to her "baby daddy" on facebook. The fight later moved from facebook to the middle school halls.
 And in other news, I'm sure some of you had heard about the guy being arrested after checking his Facebook during a robbery. A 19-year-old Pennsylvania man was arraigned earlier this week on a charge of felony daytime robbery. How did police catch him? Simple: the burglar left a trail, by way of checking his Facebook account before leaving the house with two diamond rings and forgetting to log out. Facebook addiction?
Moral of the story? Social Networking has gone a little bit too far. Fights have erupted over facebook, myspace, and the well known twitter. Relationships ruined... friendships ended... drama, drama, and more drama. What happened to our social network's true purposes? To interact and get in touch with those long lost friends. we need a few SN laws because this is starting to be a problem. Believe it or not, but people are addicted. Alot of us can't even have a normal day without logging on to facebook. So what's up with that? |
Yes Facebook can get you into a lot of trouble.That baby daddy teacher drama is ridiclous. grow up. geez. Too much drama happens on social networks. && yes ppl are addicted including me. Lol. But basically don't be a drama starter!!
I agree with Danielle. If anything, boy drama over a social network should be something left to petty (rather pathetic) teens. It would help, however, if people didn't post all their business and entire lives on these networks.
I think that is very stange that someone would take the time to check their facebook status while they're robbign some one. What did he update his status to? "Hey guys! I'm just about to rob this store and get some free snacks along the way!"
I agree it has definitely gotten out of hand. I feel like the creators have given us a privilege to interact and get to know new people but if you abuse it what else will we have??? Yea that is crazy someone thinking at a time like that to even check their Facebook is weird lol but just remember to log out next time!!!!
lmao wow this is so funny that it's not im addicted to fb too.....but that drama doesn't follow me drama and i are like water and oil. never mix and never plan on it as far as those women, come on let's be mature now.
This has to be some of the funniest stuff I have read in awhile. Criminals are usually dumb. But I'd expect more from teachers.
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 
Yes Facebook can get you into a lot of trouble.That baby daddy teacher drama is ridiclous. grow up. geez. Too much drama happens on social networks. && yes ppl are addicted including me. Lol. But basically don't be a drama starter!!