Help Me Out =] |
Looking to buy a new cell phone. T-mobile is my carrier but I'll be fine to use any unlocked phone. Any ideas?
Wishlist: G1, Samsung Highlight, Nokia N97, Memoir.... Hit me back yo!
(And yes I've already searched T-Mobile, Ebay, Dhgate, and ioffer.) Something tells me that I can find em cheaper =]!
-Tai Destiny |
It Be Like That Sometimes |
Words of Wisdom: Some of us tend to be helpful and caring, individuals that want to see the one's we love succeed. And we do everything in our power to make that happen.
Now, that's okay but catch yourself if you realize that you're so intent on helping the one's you love that you forget about helping yourself. Remember your dreams as well. Work hard for what you want.
There may come a time when you have done everything you could to help a person get somewhere but you are still... nowhere. No matter what they may do to benefit you in the future, what have you actually done for yourself? Don't you deserve equal happiness?
The human mind doesn't appreciate not being appreciated.
Think about it =].
-Tai Destiny |
For Sell:Yellow Bape G-Shock |
It comes with original box tags, and manual. I have been sitting on this and im ready to sell. Never been worn before...
Contact me for pricing and we can work something out.

Rihanna's New Look: Hot or Not? |
Personally, I love anything Rihanna does. She's her own person and she knows how to rock ish the right way. What do you think?
Manswers: Random! |

Joke of the Day: A group of friends get together every Friday after work for a drink. One Friday, Jeff showed up late, sat down at the bar, and kicked back his entire first beer in one gulp. He then turned to his pal Bob and said: "Times are getting tough, my friend. Earlier today my wife told me she's going to cut me back to only two times a week. I can't believe it!" "You think you've got it bad?" Bob retorted: "She's cut some of us guys out altogether!"
Sex Tip of the Day: (Remember: Always have safe sex! =])
They call it screwing for good reason -- meaning circular moves, not hammering straight in.
Exercise Tip of the Day: Super slow sets usually take about 14 to 15 seconds to perform 4 to 6 repetitions. This means that you will move through the contraction portion (concentric) for 10 of those seconds, and the remaining 4 to 5 seconds will consist of the relaxation movement (eccentric).
This is very different from the standard bodybuilding protocol in which you perform 8 to 12 repetitions and move through the concentric portion for 2 seconds, followed by a1-second pause at the top of the movement and a 4-second lowering phase.
Labels: Manswers |
Fame Game =] |
Belvedere Vodka & V Magazine Present Marc Jacobs After Party With Special Performance by Lady Gaga
Alien Aphrodisiacs: Pop |
Alien Aprodisiacs Pop. {Or as others may call it (soda)} This delightful refreshment of a soft drink takes the mind and body on a mind-blowing adventure. It also cures cancer, kills evil ex boyfriends, and takes away the pains and headaches of life. =]. Buy yours today! Only $1.99.
Wild Fox Couture |
Wildfox Couture is an American vintage-inspired women’s knitwear brand. Combining great style and unsurpassed quality, Wildfox has quickly gained a cult-like following amongst celebrities and top retailers worldwide. (I'm absolutely in love with this line. So vintage. So sexy.)
Manswers: Why she didn't return your call... |
 Why She Didn't Return Your Call
- Giving you her number was an easy exit.(She only agreed to give you her number so she could the h*ll away from you and enjoy the rest of her night)
- She discovered something about you that put her off.(She told her friends about you and their input was horrible. Basically, she changed her mind)
- There’s another guy on the scene. (She gave you her number to make her ex jealous. Or she just simply found someone else and felt no need to talk to you.)
- That fourth tequila made her talk the talk. (She was so drunk that she didn't even really realize what she was doing.
So there you go guys. A little harsh but true. Just keep it moving and you'll be fine =]
Labels: Manswers |
For the Men =] |
So my boyfriend suggested that I do more posts that the "guys" can relate to. He made a point there. So I'm creating a new segment called "Manswers" (as seen on Spike TV) based on questions that guys might have or things they'll probably be interested in. I'm a pretty open chick. We'll see how this works out =].
 Labels: Manswers |
Erro: By Anna Larson |
New York Designer to Watch: Anna Larson. Erro has a double meaning. The Latin definition is “to stray,” and Larson, who loves dogs, plans to donate a percentage of profits to support strays.
Tai Destiny: About Me |
Hey followers (and non-followers): I'm currently taking up a Jornalism class and one of the assignments is to create a blog. Fortunately, I've been had one. Our first blog assignment is to introduce ourselves. So here's a summary of me =]
Hi! I'm Tai Destiny and I currently attend SHS of **, GA. I'm originally form Chicago, Illinois and you can always catch me visiting my hometown. I'm into web design, photography, modeling, and psychology. I love to read, dance, sing, and scrap book/other creative activities in my spare time. And I also love to hang out with my friends & Boyfriend going various places and getting into crazy scenarios =]. My long term goal is to become a Victoria's Secret Model! Friends would describe me as wild, easily-irritated, romantic, and deeply concerned about the smallest things. I'm a Sagittarius and yes I do believe in astrology. Get to know me by following my blog and e-mailing me at! |
Taylor Lautner: Heartthrob? |
If anyone's into the Twilight Saga (I am!) you've probably seen Taylor Lautner a.k.a. Jacob- the wolf. He's the new hottest thing in hollywood right now. Girl's (and a few guys as well) are crazy over him because he's the new "teen crush". Lol. My opinion? He's a cutie. But nowhere near as hott as Edward Cullen (Rob Patinson). What do the you ladies think? Fellas too... if necessary =]. |
KimDash Returns To Her Roots |
Maybe blondes don't actually have more fun? Kim went light for just a month. What do you think of her decision to return to her roots?
Zoe Saldana: Uptown Girl |
 "I tend to gravitate toward roles in movies where I get to be the only girl." -Zoe Saldana
Hottest Harlem Renassiance photo shoot in history! But that's just my opinion =] |
Mary J. & Essence Magazine |
Mary covers the new October issue of Essence Magazine and talks about Diddy, the pressure from new artists and not being able to perform with former womanizer K-Ci.

ESSENCE: I always wondered why, and I’m not hating on Faith Evans (I love her too), but were you to be the First Lady of Bad Boy?
MARY J. BLIGE: If I wasn’t signed to MCA, it could have been me, which I believe Puff would have wanted. But I understand Puff is a businessman, so he had to go get his First Lady, which I understand. It took me a couple of years to understand, but you know, after a while I was like, “Oh, okay. He had to do that,” because he didn’t have a female artist over there.
ESSENCE: Will you ever sing “I Don’t Want to Do Anything Else” [her duet with Jodeci's K-Ci] live again?
MARY J. BLIGE: No. I mean, if I sing it with someone else, yes.
ESSENCE: Do you feel any pressure to keep pumping out hits because of the younger artists?
MARY J. BLIGE: I feel no pressure. I pump out hits for my fans. They just want to hear from me. I don’t compete with the young generation, I learn from them. I listen to what they’re saying, so I can get a little bit of that, so we can cross, so we can have an understanding and hear each other. |
Follow me on Twitter =] |
Please and Thank-You! =]!
P.S. Jay Z's Blueprint 3 is my current favorite! - Tai Destiny |
 Known to rock Nikes & Skinnies. XXI, Hellz Bellz, Urban Outfitters- My Thing. In love. Deep up in it. Loves life. No doubt. Viva La Destiny Atlanta, GA (Hometown: Chicago) Goal: Victoria Secret Model/ World's Best Web Design Artist My Boo:Eddie ♥ 